What Sober Living Asheville Includes

By Billie Mays

Studies show that there is a very high rate of relapse when recovering alcoholics and addicts are forced to use outpatient resources and live in non-supportive atmospheres during the infancy of their recovery. One concept of sober living Asheville has taken the form of alcohol and drug free housing facilities. These houses cater to persons who want to build a strong foundation for their sobriety.

Sober living houses are not live in half-way houses that offer treatment. There is no program design that leads one through the traditional steps to sobriety. You may experience peer counseling from fellow residents but the main theme is being able to live in a house free of alcohol and drugs. Typical house rules may include continued sobriety and attendance at alcohol Anonymous meetings. These houses also are self supporting so they do not rely on public funding to operate.

On the other hand half way houses offer treatment and counseling along with food, housing and transportation to AA meetings and other appointments. Many medical insurance companies will pay the costs for these facilities. Unlike the group homes the patient cannot stay indefinitely but is restricted to thirty to ninety day treatment programs.

Here you will also be given lessons on how to make your bed every day, follow through with obligations, go to work each day and all of the rules for rejoining society and becoming a productive citizen. These lessons will seem like no-brainers for most people but those who have substance abuse issues often ignore these activities in their day to day lives. It is believed that one of the key factors to continued sobriety is learning to live in the real world.

Many people include holistic healing as a part of their recovery. Holistic healing includes all aspects of the person who is being treated. They combine the treatment of physical addiction with social and mental aspects of life. When used along with the more commonly accepted practices this concept is useful for a lot of people.

Most alcoholics and addicts are surprised to find that their old friends who they had prior to sobering up do not want to associate with them when they return home. Counselors attribute this to the concept that the new found freedom that has been found makes them uneasy or may make them look at their own behaviors with new eyes. The truth is that you are not the same person and they don't know how to act around you.

Maintaining life after treatment entails changing habits. Instead of going to bars or hanging out with the same old crowd a movie or perhaps an educational class would be a better choice. Volunteering also offers alternative activities for the recovering person. AA participants put forth the idea that you should attend meetings the same way you drank or used. With enthusiasm and often.

There are many ways to take advantage of sober living Asheville. Programs offer complete packages of care on whatever level you are most comfortable with. Only those who cannot be honest with themselves and choose not to accept change in their lives will fail. If you are willing to make changes in your life you can and will be successful in your quest for sobriety.

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