7 Big Villains To Fertility To Avoid While Trying To Conceive

By Scott McLeod


* Consuming roughly 300 mg of caffeine has demonstrated to have a noticeable impact on conception ability. There is about 100 mg caffeine in 1 cup of coffee and 50 to 80 mg in caffeinated soft-drinks such as Coke and Mountain Dew. If you can remove caffeine from your diet than do it but if your cravings can't be held off just make sure you aren't taking any more than 200 mg per day.

High Sugar Foods, Carbonated Soft-drinks and Pasteurized Juice

* High concentrations of sugars in very sweet products (e.g. candy bars, pastries), sodas and pasteurized juices have a negative effect on fertility. Simple sugars cause an abrupt spike in blood sugar levels and subsequently insulin. This causes the hormonal balance in the body to get thrown off. It is also important to avoid artificial sweetener especially aspartame but also Splenda (sucralose). You may use alternatives such as maple syrup, agave nectar, stevia and honey.

Drinking Alcohol

* Studies have shown that alcohol decreases fertility in women, with it being decreased as much as 60% by consuming two drinks a day. It's always been known to avoid drinking WHILE pregnant but many are unaware that drinking during the period of time while trying to conceive may inhibit your ability to get pregnant in the first place. If you were planning on getting pregnant you were planning on not drinking... you should plan on this alcohol abstinence early. Men should avoid alcohol as well because it decreases sperm count.


* Smoking decreases fertility rates for not only women but for potential fathers. So ladies, if your guy smokes and you are having problems conceiving, try to convince him to quit so he can get his 'swimmers' in full vitality and quantity.

Foods From Soy

* Soy has been researched and documented to mimic the effects of estrogen within the body. Your body perceives these molecules as estrogen and being that your body's hormonal system is regulated on how much perceived estrogen is in your system, this can cause hormonal swings and imbalances that contribute to lower fertility. Avoid those processed soy foods including soy milk, soy burgers/patties, soy cheeses, soy protein powders... you get the point. Men as well as women are affected by soy.

GMO Foods

* GMO's or genetically modified organisms are humans attempt to use nature to manipulate nature and has resulted in some emerging health consequences. It has been strongly suspected that fertility rates are decreased with the increase of GMO foodstuffs in one's diet. Avoid eating GMO food and research these commonly modified foods and ingredients. Look for the Non-GMO label on relevant products.

Fat-Free Foods

* I thought fat-free was good? Well, fat-free foods are processed and usually result in higher sugar content that once again affects blood sugar levels negatively. Aside from this, Harvard studies show that women who consumed full fat dairy products as opposed to their non-fat compatriots actually increased their fertility. It is an important biopsysiological concept that hormones are primarily synthesized from fats and hormones regulate fertility. Women needs to eat good fats throughout conception and pregnancy.

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