Significant Safety Information To Consider When Applying Intensity Twin Stim III

By Cornelia Reyes

It is prudent to start by defining InTENSity Twin Stim III and knowing how it works before indulging on a discussion on the important safety information to consider when using. It may be define as an electric device used for pain relief and electrical muscle stimulation. The stimulator sends the electrical currents which are gentle to the underlying nerves and muscles through electrodes applied on the skin. The buttons on the front panel are used to control the parameters of the device. The level of the intensity is normally adjusted to meet the needs of the patient.

The following are the significant information to consider when using it. It is recommended that only licenced physicians should use it on the patients. This is because those who are not doctors may end up using it in places which is recommended and for relieving pain which is also recommended. It not recommended for use on patients who are pregnant as the electric current may case miscarriage of the pregnancy.

Its use is a symptomatic treatment. It therefore suppresses the sensation of pain. It should not be used during pregnancy. This is because the safety to be used by pregnant women has not been established. If a pregnant woman has to use it, then it has to be directed by a physician who must be having very good reasons for using it. It is not effective to be used to reduce pain which is of central origin like headache.

It should also not be used over carotid sinus nerve especially when the patient d is having a known sensitivity to the carotid sinus reflex. It should also not be applied to areas such as mouth and neck. This is because it may make the patient to have difficulty in breathing. It should also not be applied transthoracally. This is because if it is applied transthoracally, it may lead to introduction of some electrical current to the heart. This may be very dangerous to the patient as it may cause cardiac arrhythmias.

The stimulation should not be allowed to occur if the patient is connected to a high frequency surgical equipment. If the stimulation is allowed to take place, the high frequency surgical equipment is likely to cause burn injuries to the skin.

This is for the intention that it is applied transthoracally, some of the electric current may be introduce d to the heart hence may result into cardiac arrhythmias to the patient. Whenever the patient is connected to a surgical equipment with high frequency, The stimulation must be prevented from occurring since it may burn the skin of the patient cause injuries instead of relieving the pain.

It should not be applied to Patients who are having heart diseases unless caution is exercised. It should not be applied in the areas which are near to the heart. This is because it can cause increase the risk of ventricular fibrillation and lead to cardiac arrest. It should also not be applied over the eyes or nose and any other skin area which larks normal sensation.

It should only be applied to skin areas which are dry clean and which are not broken. The electrodes must also be kept separated during the treatment. These are some of the important safety information to consider when applying InTENSity Twin Stim III

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