Take Early Steps To Reverse Insulin Resistance

By Anita Ortega

In layman language, insulin resistance describes the situation where the body no longer takes instructions from insulin. Insulin is released from the pancreas and plays the primary role of regulating glucose or sugar level in blood system ensuring that the right amount gets into the cells at the right time. Too much intake of sugar or carbohydrates over a long period of time can make things go wrong. This is when the hormone can no longer control level of sugars moving into the cells. If no steps to reverse insulin resistance are taken, too much sugar can damage body tissues.

The typical reaction of the body is accumulation of insulin in blood stream. The glucose too builds up in the system and it prevents fats from being burnt to sugars. As such, excess sugars converts to fats and triglycerides. The excessive glucose in blood system is also dangerous as it can damage a number of tissues. The most common signs associated with this condition include fluctuating blood sugar level, increased cholesterol in the body, weight gain and high pulse rate among others.

It is normally considered as the onset of type II diabetes and is referred to as pre-diabetes. The condition is responsible for triggering several ailments including heart diseases, high blood pressure, cancers including the dreaded breast cancer, prostate cancer and ovarian cancers. It is also associated with many cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.

Keeping in mind that this is not the situation anyone would want to end up in, steps must be taken early enough to avoid this often painful path. The most ideal approach to manage metabolic syndrome find the natural solutions such as total lifestyle change. This however does not mean that there are no drugs for this purpose.

It all starts by taking keen interest in diet intake. Of the most importance is to cut down as much as possible on sugar intake and carbohydrates. This includes eliminating processed carbohydrates like bread, rice, potatoes, oats and white floor among others. Instead, it pays to focus on vegetable and other high fibre foods and lean protein.

The other significant step is general increase in physical activities. Rather than burning too much energy it trying extreme weight loss solutions, it pays by starting with simpler tasks like walking on stairs instead of taking lift, walking 10000 steps a day, walking pets and the rest of family members around and engaging in other physical activities. It is however better to seek help from professional instructor and join weight loss programs.

Some supplements rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, magnesium have also been used for the same reason with significant success rate. The drugs commonly used include cinnamon, Alpha, metformin, Lipoic acid and N-Acetyl Cysteine. The other important things to avoid are drug use, smoking and ensuring that you get proper sleep.

All things considered, the energy on turning around insulin resistance should be focused on changing the overall lifestyle approach. Looking for help and keeping your specialist updated on the steps taken is exceptionally fitting. There are many specialists and centres that will be primed to help in the in this mission. All in all, the journey of 1000 miles starts with one step.

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