Color That White With Whitening Teeth

By Chelsea Evans

As you may notice, the color of your teeth became more yellowish over the time. This can be the cause of smoking, drinking coffee and red wine, and even the fluoride found in the tap water. The food that a person eat can also affect the enamel to have more pores. Having one can affect the confidence of an individual. Luckily there are methods in whitening teeth that will drive those insecurities away.

Most people resort to this product because it is less expensive. Whitening toothpaste can be bought at local supermarkets or groceries. Check out the label if there is the blue covarine component. It creates its magic by creating an optical illusion that will make it appear less yellow. Brush twice every day and see the results from two to four weeks.

There are also kit or trays containing carbamide peroxide which removes deep and surface stains. There is a peroxide gel that will be applied to the surface. In other trays, the kit is in a tray that molds to the gums. It must be worn daily for thirty to forty five minutes, for a week and more.

Another method that will boost your self confidence and flash that killer smile is through strips. They are finished with peroxide gel, thin, and virtually invisible. They are easy to wear and worn for minutes every day. It will last a year, however, the result is seen after few days.

There are also home made remedies that will aid you, such as baking soda and a tooth brush that gently whitens at home. Just a fact, saliva neutralizes the acid that causes tooth decay. So the more saliva, the better all around. Celery, pears, apples, and carrots trigger a lot of saliva so they are effective.

So yeah, most pens are inked with dark colors. However, there is also this pen that will obliterate the mouth bacteria. After the application, drinking and eating for forty five minutes shall be avoided or they will also was rinse away the gel. This is not really effective in whitening. However, they are effective in freshening the breath.

The most effective way in teeth whitening is through laser. It can be pricey especially when the dentist has high reputation but it is worth the money. Especially when it can last after a year. During this process, a rubber shield will be attached over your gums and apply a bleaching gel to your teeth. After that, it will be placed under a laser to activate the chemical in the gel.

As a person age, the outer layer of the enamel also wears away. So to keep it white, do not smoke. It causes brown stains that penetrate the grooves and pits of the tooth enamel. These stains are hard to remove by brushing along. The longer that a person smoke, the more that the stains will hold strongly.

There are methods in whitening teeth. Some are expensive, and some are not. But that does not mean that you are free to take many foods that will affect the color of it. You have to discipline yourself and learn to avoid taking the foods that discolor it.

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