Why Guys Struggle To Build Muscle

By Russ Howe

If you're a guy, you've probably wondered how to build muscle at some point. So why is it that most men never get the results they desire in the gym? Today we'll answer this question for you.

Walk into any fitness center and you will see the same characters struggling away day after day, month after month to no results. Sure, it's fun to train with weights but ultimately you want results for your efforts, right? Today we'll set you on your way.

Furthermore none of today's tips will cost you a dime.

The first step to building a better body starts in the kitchen at home, not in the gymnasium. Before you head off for your next workout try to set some time to one side and allow yourself to write up an eating plan. By ensuring your nutrition is geared towards building the type of physique you're striving for physically you will make your journey far easier.

Sadly, most men (and women, for that matter) do exactly that. One of the top excuses for this being that working out your diet can be confusing. This is simply not true, it's far easier to set up a solid, goal orientated eating plan. The confusion arises because of the amount of hype and quick fix solutions people see on a daily basis, telling them they need to buy certain plans or products in order to get results.

Establishing your daily calorie figure is very straightforward. The key to successful dieting is avoiding the bad habit of calorie counting, we'll show you how to set a daily ballpark figure and you should use it as a loose target. To do this, simply take your desired body weight in pounds and multiply the number by fifteen.

That's how to set your ballpark figure for your daily calorie intake. Don't worry if you are a little bit over or under, we don't want you getting into the habit of calorie counting.

There are various other factors which need to be address too and we will briefly cover the most important points next.

When we think about getting enough sleep we usually presume it could impact our sessions and hold us back in the gym through feeling tired. Believe it or not this isn't the main reason you should try to get your eight hours. When you're in a deep sleep your body releases more growth hormone, allowing you to produce even better results as your muscles recover from the last punishing session. Don't miss this by cutting short your sleep.

When you're looking at supplements you may be tempted to make the same mistake hundreds of thousands of other guys make and get caught up in all of the exciting sales packaging and marketing talk you see on the products today. With every supplement claiming to be the answer to all of your problems, it's easy to see why a lot of people place too much importance on them.

Keep things simple. A whey protein supplement and a creatine monohydrate supplement is all you need to get started and these are the two bodybuilding supplements with by far the most scientific support behind them.

The simple points in today's video post will teach you the fundamental basics of how to build muscle and retain it forever. It's time to get started. By the time you're ready for your next gym session you should be equipped with a fountain of new confidence.

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