Proven Muscle Building Factors

By Russ Howe

Most people get stuck when trying to figure out how to build muscle and in today's article we give you two simple, proven steps which have stood the test of time. This query is second only to people wondering how to lose weight.

These steps are all tried, tested and proven.

If you have been struggling for progress in the gym or perhaps you are just starting out and not sure what to do, today's article will help you get the basics down.

* Know your diet

* Supplements are useful but not essential

The fact is most people neglect the basics in favor of searching for a miracle solution to their problems. By failing to nail down the basic, proven foundations of building a better body, however, you ruin your potential and actually hold yourself back considerably.

The first port of call is to correct your eating habits. Even if you think your diet is okay right now, if you're not getting results you need to accept that it isn't okay. Building muscle isn't just about piling on weight by eating whatever you want.

There are several ways to diet, many of which are proven to work. Today we focus on one of the most popular ways, the 3-5-2 diet. To do this, simply multiply your goal body weight in pounds by 15. So a 180 pound man would require 2700 calories per day in total.

Now we break down these 2700 calories to see our protein, carb and fat intake for each day. This is where the 3-5-2 system comes into play nicely. This basically means 30% protein, 50% carbohydrates and 20% fats.

So to see how many calories per day need to come from each macronutrient simply use the 3-5-2 system now. In this case, 2700 calories multiplied by thirty percent will give you 810. This is the number of daily calories you need from protein.

To convert these calories into grams, so you know exactly how much food to eat, take your 810 calories and divide it by four. This tells you that you need 202 grams of protein per day in total. For carbs take your calories and divide by four, and for fats take your calories and divide by nine.

Secondly we will discuss supplements. People often put too much emphasis on bodybuilding supplements and not enough emphasis on the rest of their diet. We know many people at the gym who do this, they train hard and take their protein supplement but they don't look after the rest of their diet at all and they refuse to admit it, often kidding themselves that they don't know why their training isn't working.

Two very valuable, proven supplements when engaging in a muscle building diet and program are creatine monohydrate and whey protein. Both are proven and both do their job. The protein is especially useful as it allows you to reach your calorie target easier throughout the day, too.

Now that you are a little more up to speed on the two foundations of how to build muscle you will be able to reap hugely enhanced results in the gym compared to those who fail to sort out the basics before diving in head first. If you are serious about changing your body, now is the time to do it.

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