Weight Loss Solutions - 5 Tips To Accelerate Your Weight Loss

By Erin Newman

Every day, we see celebrities on tv who have lost a ton of weight almost overnight. We rush out and buy the product hoping to achieve the same results. Reality is there is no quick fix. In order to lose weight you are going to have to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Believe That You Can

One of the most important factors for weight loss is belief in yourself.

Belief is as much of a necessity as changing your diet and developing an exercise routine. Without belief, you are sabotaging your efforts before you even begin.

Prior to beginning your weight loss journey, take a minute to find the reason that you want to lose weight and write it down. Then set a goal for how much weight you would like to lose and commit to it. No matter what obstacles come your way promise yourself that you will not quit until you hit your goal.

Staying on track is going to require you to stay positive. Feed your mind daily with motivational quotes, affirmations and the success stories of other people who have successfully lost weight. If you have one bad day don't let it discourage you. Just dust it off and get right back on track.

Once you start seeing your body transform before your eyes, staying on track will become a lot easier.

Drink Water

Our bodies need to be continually hydrated with water to perform at peak capacity.

Sipping on water throughout the day is a great way to alleviate snacking because it helps to keep you full between meals.

When you drink the amount of water that your body needs, it will help your body digest food better and assist with eliminating harmful toxins from your system.

You can also utilize water to help you eat less. Having a glass prior to eating a meal will leave less room in your stomach and therefore cause you to eat less food.

Make Exercise A Part Of Your Life

Exercise is an important part of any weight loss program. It is possible to lose weight without exercise but in most cases the weight loss is only temporary.

If you havent exercised in a while or flat out dislike exercising, start out with an easy exercise like walking. Taking a brisk walk outside in the evening can be fun and refreshing. The idea is to find what you enjoy and do it.

Ideally, you should get to a point where you are working out for at least 30 minutes 5 days per week or more.

When you feel ready for more advanced workouts, aerobic workouts such as Zumba or Hip Hop Abs may be a good choice. These work outs tend to burn a lot of calories, helping you to lose weight and tone up.

Remember exercise is not only key for weight loss but it also helps to improve your overall health.

Change How You Eat

Rather than having 3 large meals daily, break that down into 5 or 6 smaller meals. This will help you stay full and eliminate the need to snack.

If your goal is to take in no more than 1500 calories per day you have to make sure all your small meals combined do not exceed this number.

If planning 6 small meals seems difficult, just make 3 meals and split them in half.

Get Enough Rest

When your body is deprived of sleep it affects the amount of ghrelin in your system. When we are not allowing our bodies to get the rest needed to perform properly, it releases ghrelin into our system. Ghrelin is a hormone that regulates appetite. When our bodies are sleep deprived, this hormone increases and causes the desire to eat more.

To keep your body functioning at optimal levels you should try and get a minimum of 7 hours sleep each night.

In order to sleep better, avoid drinking caffeine or engaging in exercise a few hours before bed time.

When used on a regular basis these 5 tips can help you lose the weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

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